Thursday, August 12, 2010

Her name is Sieda

I spend a lot of my time thinking about what God wants me to do. I think and I think and a lot of the time I get discouraged when I just don't get an answer. This summer I am finding that God is always trying to show me things, if only I will just ask him and wait. It seems like such a simple lesson, but I find myself having to relearn it weekly.

A few days ago Steve and I were walking through one of the slum areas here in town called Kipsongo. It was a usual walkthrough, the terrible smells, the screaming drunks, and the children begging for attention. It is a place that no Kenyans dare to go unless that is where they live. I have walked through Kipsongo many times, and seen a ton of crummy things that make me feel helpless, but this time God was about to show me exactly what he wanted me to do.

That day I had been praying that the LORD would show me my role in the day, and that he would present himself. As I rounded a corner I saw a very young girl with tears streaming down her face, sitting in the mud, begin to gag. My heart sank as she then vomited in the mud in front of her. I have seen some really sick kids here, but for some reason it was so clear to me the God was pointing me to this one.

I grabbed this little girl, whose name turned out to be Sieda, spoke with the local pastor and her father and threw her in the car. It hurts so bad when you see a small child who is so obviously in agony, but knowing that Sister Freda's hospital is only a short distance a way is a huge comfort.

These past couple days have been full of tests and observation, as the doctors tried to discover what is wrong with Sieda. Today we got the news that she has tuberculosis. TB is pretty common in Kenya, and it is something that the government is trying hard to fight. When a person is diagnosed with TB the government supplies the medicine, which is a huge help considering that the treatment is one pill a day for six months. While the Medicine is supplied by the government the care of the hospitals is not. Usually a patient would return home where they are expected to diligently take their medicine each day, and eat a healthy diet. The issue here is that Sieda lives in the slums with a father who is unable to support her, and with no mother to speak of.

Because of this I have resolved to keep her in Sr. Freda's as she heals, regains strength and is able to continue living a healthy life. I don't know what God has in store for Sieda and I but I do know that she has become a huge part of this summers story for me, and that the LORD is good.

Sieda is 4 years old and is 3 foot 2 and 22 pounds.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Not cut out for this...

well it has been a while since I blogged, and I have simply realized that I am just not cut out for this blogging thing. there is so much going on from day to day that when the night finally comes and I get a chance to write it out I just can't even think of where to start. Sorry that this is the case but today was no different, there is no way that I can accurately describe everything that I felt, or even did today, but I know there are people who care so let me once again attempt.

Sammy and I spent the day in a place called Endbese, which is around 15 KM outside of town. Last year Sammy, Torie, Delia, Matt and I went out to visit a mother of a student at Purpose Driven named Protenciana (spelling?).

Margaret, the principal at purpose driven academy and dear friend, had introduced us to protenciana and her family last year, and in fact Sammy and her family support three of her cousins through school. Today was the first time in a year that Protenciana had gone home from school to visit her mother, and that absolutely breaks my heart.

Protenciana's mother is HIV positive, and so when she comes down with malaria or typhoid things get very rough. Living in a one room mud house, Protenciana's mother and two sisters raise three children, not to mention the four others who had lived there before Sammy and Margaret took them to school. We had heard that Prote's (short for Protenciana) mother had been sick for some time and since we were in town we thought it would be good for us to go visit her. It never becomes easy to see the situation that many families must survive in, and the evils of poverty are mostly shocking.

The story of the day wasn't so much reuniting Prote and her mother, or even getting her to the nearby hospital, it turned out to be Prote's 2 year old cousin Marvelous. There is just something so terrible about the look of a child who hasn't eaten. It is more then the way they look physically, it is their entire being that is crying out. Marvelous could not smile, could barely walk and just didn't look like she had any drive to carry on. As we at lunch we ordered her a huge bowl of cooked bananas and beef stew. I have never seen a child eat so much, in fact I don't know if I have ever eaten so much. It was awesome to watch Sammy take so much joy in feeding this little girl, even if she knew that was all she could do for her. Margret said something that shocked us, "this little girl has no idea where her next meal is coming from, so her body has told her to not stop eating."

I have not once worried about food, and i can not even imagine being 2 years old and knowing that my next meal may not come. Some things never stop shocking you.

For me the best part here is watching Sammy love these people, and becoming a giant advocate for Protenciana and her family. Sammy, you rock.

Monday, June 21, 2010

First Day of the Teams Journey...

Yesterday was the first day of the teams experience here in Kitale. We headed out to Oasis in the morning for what is always a great first experience. I was so proud of the way that the team just jumped into service, and how thier love for these children, that I love is already so evident. After a short (long) talk about what Oasis of hope is, and the general state of children on the streets and in the slums, the team broke off into groups of twos and went to teach in each class. I was so impressed with their willingness to dive in head first.

After Oasis we all headed over to Gilgal to spend some time with my favorite high school students in Kitale. Again I was so impressed with the conversations that I heard between the team and the students.

It is so great to love something so much and get a chance to show others how awesome it is. I love this place and these people, and it is an indescribable feeling when others fall in love with it also.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Mercy Mercy Mercy, and me...

Sorry for the radio silence, I have been super busy with everyone getting here, and getting them all situated.

It has been a fantastic weekend filled with laughs, great fellowship and awesome prayer. I am so happy with the team this summer. I could not have asked for a better group of students. It is already so evident how much these students want to serve and grow here in Kitale.

This morning the whole team headed over to Deliverance church here in town to fellowship with some of our greatest friends in Kitale.

Recently a pastor from deliverance suddenly passed away, leaving a wife and two children behind. It was a great loss to the church, and to the community. This was a great opportunity for our team to show how much we appreciated Simon, and his family; and also a great chance to walk a cow into the church. As a team we delivered some relief supplies and the cow, which is a great commodity here. I love when Steve gets a chance to give things away because he spares nothing.

This was only reinforced when the mercy kids came over this afternoon to eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and dance to "Party in the USA." I love those kids so much, everything that they do makes me smile, and to be honest how much they love Steve inspires me.

I am pretty much done for this evening with this post, but I promise I will get back to speed this week, and hopefully get some pictures up as well.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Let me tell you EVERYTHING

Today is my favorite day, God made a special way. (That only makes sense to those of you who have been here, so sorry for those who are left out.)

Steve’s first day was a typical Steve’s first day. Knowing exactly what he wanted to do, I sent Kris and Pat with him off to Khetia’s while Sammy, Ashley and I headed over to Oasis of Hope. I really enjoy introducing people to Kitale. It is so great when I think about how surreal everything was on my first day. I love to explain every little thing; I guess I just assume that everyone is as excited about Kitale as I am.

I also ran into Vincent in town today, and honestly, I wish I hadn’t. Vincent and I had talked about him not hanging out on the street while he was recovering, but like I said in the previous post he is an adult, and I can’t control what he does. We talked a little about how he was, and about what his next step was.

Honestly I don’t know what to do about him. I am just praying that God would guide me daily and that I would be able to act in faith and wisdom.

On a lighter note, the first ever African FIFA world cup opened today. My friend Manu and I watched the opening match between South Africa and Mexico at the Kitale club. I love the energy and the Passion that Africans have for their continent. There is such pride in everything that Africans do, even out of their immediate countries. I will definitely be cheering for all African teams this world cup, after the US that is.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Vincent Goes Home

I should have posted this yesterday but I never got around to it. Yesterday Vincent left Sister Freda’s.

Vincent is a 17 year-old boy that we found in the streets about a week and a half ago with a broken jaw, you can read the story here. He has been resting at Sister Freda’s for a week and is feeling much better. He still has to keep the wires in his mouth for another five weeks but the pain and the swelling have gone.

Vincent was restless at the hospital, and I have to be honest, a hospital isn’t a place I would want to hang out when I am feeling well either. Since he was feeling well, and really wanting to leave, I asked Freda what we should do. He lives on the street during the day, and stays in a part of town called Kipsongo at night. So it isn’t exactly the easiest place for him to get the types of food that he needs, seeing as he can’t chew anything.

Vincent assured me that he had relatives in town that could help him out a bit while his Jaw healed. It was hard to say yes, seeing as I can’t know for sure if he is telling the truth, but I figured that he is old enough to make those types of decisions, so I let him go. We took him into town where I bought him a good supply of foods that way the burden of feeding him would not be completely on his relatives. We also made a deal that he would come to Oasis every Monday morning so that I could talk with him and make sure that everything was going well with his recovery.

All I can do now is pray, and ask God to continue to guide me. It is tough making decisions like that, but I think it was the best for Vincent.

It has for sure been a wild ride, and I feel like the LORD has more in-store for us. This is definitely not the last that I, or you for that matter, will hear of Vincent.

Also, you should check out Pat and Kirs' blog. you can find it here.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Visitors and Bug bites

Pat and Kris Larkin arrived in town today, and let me say that having some friends around the house is very nice. We walked into town and did some shopping for provisions and then headed over to the coffee shop for lunch.

It is very nice having Kris around because not only is she very kind and excited about serving here in Kitale, but she is a cook. Anyone who knows me know that the best things I eat mostly come in red and white bags with yellow arches. (I miss those big macs...)

And Pat is has already showed such a heart to learn and to experience this place, which makes me so excited about serving with him here in Kitale.

Steve gets in tomorrow which is always interesting, and somewhat of a game changer. I love the positive energy that he brings to the house, and his wisdom is unmatched.

Now to my personal problems. I have over 20 bug-bites on my body at this moment. I honestly have no idea where they are getting me from. I searched my clothes, my bed sheets, even my clothes that are still packed away in my bags. I know that I am a magnet for these guys, but I am honestly getting eaten alive here!

Please keep praying that God will show us his will, and that we will be obedient to his guidance.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Monday muddy Monday

Please excuse that terribly cheese title.

Today was a pretty standard day, which is actually nice once and a while. I woke up and went down to Shimo primary school to talk to the students at their flag ceremony, which I think is something that each of our schools should do each week. I love how excited kids here get when you just come to say a couple words. I usually think to myself, "I am not really that important, and yet you can hardly contain yourself."

After some work around the house I headed over to Kitale Family school, and Discover to recover. These are two of my favorite places. Considering both of the directors are in the US for the time being, I got to say hello to all the children instead of talking business.

I was so excited to see all the children at discover, and I know they were happy to see me. I rolled up on the back of a motor cycle in the pouring rain, and as soon as the first student saw me he screamed, "CRIIIIIIIS!" and they all bum rushed me.

Allison, you will be happy to know that they all say hello, and Benja says he loves you, and misses you so much, and also Mercy didn't even care that I was there, she just wanted you.

After Discover I went down to Shimo secondary to play some football with the boys. It had been raining heavily for a while and anything that was dirt was turned to the thickest mud you can imagine, but it was awesome playing for a little, even if my skills are still lacking.

I love this place, and these people.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


I know that this is my third consecutive post, but I have been meaning to crank this one out for some time.

To be honest, I thought that being here alone for a couple of weeks would be nice. I thought that I would be able to get a lot done, and that I would enjoy being free of being responsible for others. While I'm getting a lot done, I'm pretty lonely. Of course the days are filled with meetings, and hanging out with street kids, but it's when I settle in for the night that I really feel it.

Let me be honest, it is tough here, you have to have a thick skin a lot of the time. Now mix the stuff that goes on here day to day, with not having someone to process it with, and you have a perfect recipe for loneliness. That being said we're only a Couple days away from the first wave of the team arriving and I am so excited.

I am mainly excited for the return of three people who have spent time with me here before and who I love very much.

Of course there is Pastor Steve. I am his biggest fan, whilst being one of his bitter enemies, but hey that is the way good friendships work sometimes. Without Steve none of us would have ever come to Kitale, and I know that we all deeply thank him for it

Then there's Sammy (Sebby). One of the most neutral people I've ever met. When tempers are high you can count on her to bring them back down, and when people are down, you can count on her to bring them up. Just don't count on her to ever care about you calling her something other then her name.

And last, and least, Matt. Nothing says pure genius like a Matt Gillen pun. I know few people who think about the people of Kenya as much as this guy, not to mention he is one of my best friends even when were not taking toast in Kenya together.

Of course there are so many people that I would love to have here, but I know that sometime in the future I will get everyone I love over to this place that has changed my life.

Pokot Sunday

A couple of days ago a bishop friend of mine asked me if I wanted to go with him to a church of his in a remote area of West Pokot.

This part of Pokot is an awesome place that is nestled up in the hills of Kenya and is absolutely beautiful. It takes about an hour and a half to get to the church from our house, and about 45 minutes of that are on some untraveled donkey paths. I really enjoy going to the bush (that's what they call remote here) and seeing the work that our friends are doing to spread the gospel of Christ.

every five minutes of the drive up the mountain Simon, my bishop friend, kept reminding me not to worry about all the people staring, he said it was just because they had never seen a white man in this place before. He didn't need to worry, I am pretty used to that by now, in fact it is a great way to start a conversation.

"Hey, you have never seen a white guy around here? Well I am a white guy, how's it going?"

Although it is a little more formal then that, that is basically my tactic. When we arrived at the church I was blown away at what I saw. Since I don't have a camera I snapped a shot with my phone, and it really can't do this place justice.

Sitting atop these hills is this tiny mud structure where people gather each day to worship the creator and savior of the entire universe. I mean, this place just screams of God's majesty. As far as you can see down into the valleys and up along the hills is green, with scattered homes and fields of maize. I thought to myself, "this is where I want to worship God, even if it is just a mud house with a couple benches."

Not only was the view and scenery amazing the people there love God so much, and they are learning and walking with him daily. Simon told me that the Gospel has only been in this area for a bout ten years. Ten years! That is so amazing to me, and the way that people have responded speaks volumes to how God is using Simon and his ministry to advance his kingdom.

I praise God that people to this day are still being reached by the gospel, and that the LORD continues to transform lives

End of the Week Recap

It has been a full couple of days. I checked up on Vincent at Sister Freda’s the other day, and he seemed to be recovering Nicely. He still doesn’t enjoy having a mouth full of metal, but I promised him that if he gave it a couple of days it would feel normal (I hope that’s true).

Thursday was an amazing day. Steve and I have set a goal that we will visit every house in Shimo La Tewa this summer. Shimo is a neighborhood down the street from us that many of the children from Oasis come from, and that is considered in some areas to be a slum. One of the churches that we have been working with is locate there, and the congregation has a huge heart for the community. Thursday marked the start of my house visits to Shimo, and we must have visited 15 houses talking with the mommas, and encouraging them in Jesus. The greatest part about these visits is praying for the women, and for their homes. I love the people of Shimo so much, and to become more a part of the community is something that I deeply desire. Soon I will do a blog solely on one of those prayer walks, God has really used them to change my life. I would encourage you to pray for Shimo as well, there is so much need there.

Friday was the kick off of “The Day of the African Child” Which recognizes our duty to the children of Africa. It was an awesome event here in Kitale. The celebration was kicked off by at least 200 children marching through town with a marching band and a motorcade of what seemed to be some very important people ( I wish I had pictures, and to be honest I forgot my camera at home, that can happen when you have 3,000 pictures of a place). Then I sat and watched some performances from local children’s organizations. I really am not portraying what a big deal this was in town, this was actually the national event that was held here in Kitale. Sometimes these types of things are lost on us foreigners.

Saturday was also an interesting day. I had decided early in the Morning that I would get some laundry done but at about nine I got a phone call from a pastor in town asking me if I would like to go plant a tree with him. Of course I said yes, just because it was such an odd request, and also because planting trees is a super important and symbolic experience here. Well as it turns out we were headed down to Shimo secondary school, which is a brand new high school down the road, and I was to plant a tree in honor of Steve Rutenbar. I must say I have never been to a function where I was representing someone, and I think when you get to the point of sending other people in your place, you are really someone, so congrats Steve, you are really someone. It was great, we planted some trees and listened to some speeches, and like most things in Kenya, it lasted hours.

Those are the happenings from East Africa, sorry for the delay and brevity, I’ll try harder next time.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I am not a good enough storyteller, nor a skilled enough author to accurately give account of my last two days. But seeing as this is a place to vent and let you in on what is going on here I will attempt.

I was in an area of town fondly known as “the ghetto” yesterday, visiting some friends who live on the street, when I found a pretty disturbing scene.

Now the ghetto is not exactly somewhere you want to find yourself alone and unwelcome. In fact a more apt name would be the trash heap, because for all intensive purposes, that is exactly what it is. Although this is true, it has also somehow become a place where many street boys, street men, and even street girls hang out. These are the “for lifers”, the ones who have mostly accepted the fact that this is their hand in life, and usually if you hang out here your involved in something less then saintly.

Anyways, as I walked up I could see that there was unrest. I was immediately mobbed with people who were for the most part the worse for the ware. Even more then usual there seemed to be a large number of injuries. After some confusing chatter, I discovered that there had been a raid on the ghetto the night before.

A raid is in essence a way of dealing with the street dweller problem. Basically, as the sun sets a group of police officers role up on a given area, without notice and begin to arrest those who are Illegally squatting in private areas.

From what I gather, and usually what I gather is a little hazy, the police stormed the ghetto and everyone scattered. Now it isn’t exactly a well-lit area of town, and the ground is usually covered in various things that hurt to fall on. That being said, as the residents fled they were falling and being stabbed by glass and metal, not to mention the usually unfriendly exchange once caught by the pursuing police.

As they finished the story, they told me that there was one boy who I needed to see. I am usually a little hesitant at people telling me that they need help, because to be honest, there are a lot of people who need help here, but I was interested in the fact that it was the street boys who were telling me to forgo helping them to help someone who really needed it. What I found was a boy who had been completely devastated, his name was Vincent

Again, from what I gather, Vincent decided to escape the pursuing police by means of hopping onto a roof and running from rooftop to rooftop. As he was running the roof either collapsed under his feet, or he simply miss-stepped falling three stories, directly onto this chin.

When I first saw him he looked like he was falling in and out of consciousness, and the swelling was so bad it looked like he was storing an orange in either side of his mouth. There wasn’t a doubt, we had to do something.

We called for a cab and took him immediately to the hospital. It was about five at this time, so the x-ray was closed, so we were forced to check him into the hospital (I could spend a whole other blog entry just talking about the hospital, but this is already too long winded).

So now we come to this morning. We headed over to the hospital at eight to begin one of the longest days of my life, not wanting to make you relive it, nor wanting to myself, I will just tell you the outcome. It turns out that Vincent has a fractured lower jaw. I will upload the x-ray soon, but there is literally a half-inch gap between one side of his lower jaw and the other. So we had a dental surgeon wire his lower Jaw to his upper jaw so that there is no movement, and it can heal. Honestly, what can you do with a fractured Jaw? Surprisingly the Hospital discharged him today, but there was no way that we could drop him off in town and tell him to get along, so he is now under the watchful eye of the doctors and nurses at sister Freda’s.

Honestly, after spending almost a year’s time here between all of my trips, this has by far been the most draining. Physically I am just worn out, and emotionally I am destroyed. I think that most of my exhaustion comes from the fact that this kind of act goes against a lot of what we do here. I know that sounds strange but it is very true.

The big picture is what you must aim for here. There is so much need that to fight every individual battle is a way to sure destruction. The fact is you can’t give to every person who asks, but you can strategically plan so that each person has an opportunity to get what he or she needs in a way that helps more, with less.

And what I have done with Vincent goes against that model; it is going at one individual issue. That being said, we couldn’t stand by and not do something, it is that exception, that curveball that God throws at you and says “here you go, this is my job for you right now.”

I don’t know if anyone will read this, or if anyone even cares, but I had to put it out there. I am exhausted, and if you got this far I love you, and hope that you will pray for Vincent.

Monday, May 31, 2010

All Quiet On the East African Front

All is well here. My luggage came today, which has been actually kind of strange. I was so used to waking up and putting on the same shirt, and the same pants that having to choose what I was going to wear seemed somewhat foreign.

It has been pretty slow around here. Yesterday I got to speak at a church in Shimo la tewa, a community down the road. I love visiting small home churches, they remind me of the church in Acts chapter 1 and 2.

Today I was feeling a little under the weather, and so I just did some small errands, and then worked on things at the house. I didn't realize how lonely it can be when you're alone. I now look back and realize how social I am, and how being alone effects me. I have heard it said that solitude is the furnace of change, we'll see about that.

But for now I am going to get back to watching Stargate, and hopefully falling asleep to the sweet sounds of Russell Crow parading a group of bumbling idiots around a far off planet.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


I have a friend here in town, his name is Sndip (spelling?), and he owns a shoe store. It is an official Batta retailer (those of you who have been here will know what I am talking about, and probably find that somewhat amusing). Sndip is just an everyday shop owner here in Kitale; An Indian imigrant, who uprooted his whole family to move here and run a shoe store, pretty typical story around these parts. What is amazing is the friendship that we've developed.

Everyday I walk past his shop on my way into town, he always calls my name, and has me come greet him. Once and a while I will sit in his shop and "talk" with him. Mostly I sit there, and ask him questions that he barley understands and he nods yes. He typically buys me a soda and shows me pictures of his family on his phone.

Today I saw a Chelsea hat, and said that they were my team. He laughed and handed me the hat. I told him I couldn't take it but he insisted.

Here I am holding the hat, Attempting to look as Kenyan as possible.

and here I am again wearing the hat, again, attempting to look as Kenyan as possible. (you may have noticed looking Kenyan for me basically means not smiling.)

All of this to say, the LORD has really blessed me here. I realized today that it is rarely obvious who God will put in your path . Sndip needs Jesus too, and it is crazy that the LORD has brought me all the way to Kenya to minister to a shoe salesman.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Bugs In My Pants...

In town today one of the boys who lives there came to me asking for money. Nothing special really, if that isn't happening to you while your in town, well then your not in town. Anyways, I told him "Sorry but if I give you money I have to give it to everyone," a standard answer really; but then he said something that caught my attention.
"But the Bugs, they are eating me, they are eating me alive."

I took a breath and turned around and asked him to repeat what he had said. "The Bugs they are eating me alive," he said.

I asked him what he meant and he then showed me the inside of his waist band, and there I saw one of the most disturbing things I will likely see. Covering the inside of his pants were small white eggs, thousands. He then Preceded to pick up another bug from his thigh crushing it in between his fingers, squirting blood under his nails.

Easy decision really. "Ok Kid, lets go buy you some soap." 20 shillings (30 cents) later a bar of soap and a bug free set of pants.

Just another day on the streets I guess.

It's Like I Never Left...

I have been known to watch movie trailers, and get so excited for upcoming movies that when the movie actually comes out I am disappointed because of how much I have hyped it up in my mind. That is just the way I do things, I get excited about something and let it consume me until I get sick of it. Thankfully that isn’t the case with my return to Kitale.

As the title suggests it is like I never left. I have so easily slipped back into life here that it is obvious that only God could have orchestrated it. As you will have deduced from me blogging, I have made it to Kitale, and could not be happier to be here. Thanks for your prayers and your thoughts.

P.S. I wrote this blog the first day I was here, and am only now able to post it seeing as I have only now gotten my internet working.