So, for the past couple days I have been reading the 6th installment of the Harry Potter series. I know what you are thinking, I am a complete nerd, a 21 year old dude who loves reading about teenage wizards and warlocks. If you think that I don't think myself a dork, you are sorely mistaken, I am quite enlightened to this fact. That is beside the point that I am trying to make however. If you have been keeping up with
Allison's blog you would know that the other night we watched around 45 minutes of episode two of Star Wars, and you will also know that we watched Indiana Jones (all three). this recent overload of awesome has once again thrown me into a funk about being merely human. I want so badly to be able to wield a light saber and use the force. Or even cast a few spells on people, just for fun of course. Maybe I could find a few ancient artifacts, all while fooling the Nazis. But then I remember, I am just a dude, a dude who can't do any of those great things. And that is the way I was feeling for the past couple days, simply human.
That all changed today though. I was reading my bible in Acts, and I stumbled upon a simple
human who did some really awesome things. His name is Paul, and his power? The holy spirit. So today I decided to shape up, get out of my funk and do something awesome. It feels good to be empowered.
(Editors note: This blog was purely for entertainment value. Nothing that was said by the author was meant to be takes seriously, except the part about Paul being awesome)
On a more "Kenyan" note, tonight we went to dinner at a dear friends house after a long day at the pool with the kids. Onesmus is actually Geoffry's brother as well as the Caretaker of Lydia's compound. He has a great little boy named David who is seven, so naturally our humor is the same. All in all it was a nice day, like i said last week, I love Thursdays.

I told him to make a face that made him look terribly awkward. I succeeded, he just got angry.