Today was the first day that we went on our own without Pastor Steve. We decided that for our first day we would head to Oasis Of Hope. Oasis Of Hope is a drop in center for street children around the city. A drop in center is a place where children can come and have two free meals as well as some schooling. The school is informal but still has great teachers. I was able to teach a little division to the older class, which was awesome. After trying to teach a subject that I don’t really understand, in a language that the students don’t really understand, I have a new appreciation for teachers. After a few hours at Oasis we headed into town to get a couple things from the Giga-mart. Giga-mart is the Wal-mart of Kitale. In-fact you can even spot the similarity in the names, and the name tells everything you need to know. While we were at the store it started to downpour outside so we were forced to stay in the store for around 30 minutes, but that is just the way that it is here, it rains and rains and rains. It will be sunny one minute, and the next it will be the heaviest rain that has ever occurred. All in all it was a great day that involved hanging out with some cool cats, and shopping in the rain. Below there are some pictures from the day.

I think I was a little angry becasue one of the kids threw a paper airplane at my head.

They wanted me to school them in B-ball so I pumped one up.

Two watches on one hand? And look, he is drawing Africa.

Here I am teaching a little division to some street children. That kid already knew how to do this stuff so he decided to look at the camera.
Chris I read your post and view your pictures with the biggest smile on my face. You looked really at ease in front of those kids teaching them math. So what did you do to the one that threw the airplane at your head? Whats with two watches? Is there a meaning to that or are they into bling there too hahah.The store sounds like a cool place to be stuck for 30 minutes it could of been in the middle of nowhere. I really like that hat you wear, have the kids been trying it on? Alana is at work tonight so I am going to Pat's for dinner. She says hello and is doing really good. I will share your posts and pictures with her tonight.
Love you and miss you lots
Mom xoxoxoxoxoxox
i hate division. but i love you. think of me fondly. i am proud of you. i hate asking so often, but please try to talk to me. oh i hate asking. but i have to because i miss you so much. seeing you in your little hat makes me cry. i love you.
Great photos Chris! Keep them coming as they really give us perspective on what you are doing daily. Try calling again when you can. Look forward to talking to you.
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