Today was the day, the day that we found out that all of the boys in the oasis houses are negative for HIV. I thought that it would be more dramatic to write the results at the end of this blog, but then I decided that I am no author, so I should just let you know straight out of the gate. Yes, thank God, that even through all of the hardships these children have been through living on the streets, they all tested negative for HIV. I must say that I was bracing for the worst, while trusting that God had a plan for everything, but the Lord is an amazing God and all is well. I was tested as well, and as expected I came out negative, but it was mostly for support of the boys. I really feel like these past couple days have helped me to grow closer to these boys and I really do look at them like little brothers. It was amazing to hear some of the stories from the boys regarding their sexual pasts when they were on the streets. All day my stomach was in a knot as each boy was tested. The Negatives just kept coming, and although that was amazing it made it harder to think that there might be that one boy that would test positive. The end of the day was one giant exhale as all the boys gave hugs to one another, and just praised the Lord for being alive. Lydia Monroe is one of the strongest people I have ever met. I could not imagine having all of the boys that I consider my children being tested on the same day for HIV. I didn’t have words to comfort her as she sat in the testing room with each boy, but she trusted the Lord, which makes all the difference. I love these boys with every ounce of my being, they teach me more and more everyday on what it means to be a good person in a bad world, and I praise God for all that he has done, is doing and will do in my life.

We were all negative.

these boys wear skirts becasue they were just circumcised.

Just hanging.

This baby is 5 months old.

Me and gangster freda.

OHH richard.
hahahhaa hahaha that baby!
oh and i am beyond relieved that all the boys (and you) tested negative, that is amazing!
you are so amazing christopher.
Praise God!!!!! I am so happy for all of those boys.God has good things planned for them ahead.
Chris, that baby is adorable. You look so content sitting right next to her. Gangsta Frieda is an amazing woman. Tell her I said so. I am trying to figure out how to print all this so Grandma and Granps can read and see the wonderful work you are doing for the Lord. Stay safe
Love you and miss you,
Mom xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
GREAT post!!!! I am SO glad that you ALL are HIV negative!! SO happy that you are there to be supportive to them and explain how they can now STAY HIV negative!
The picture of you and the baby is beautiful. She looks just like you.
OK, maybe not. But Gangsta Freda is AWESOME. Please tell her I said hello!!
Thinking of you always!!
Praise the good Lord for all those kids. i'm so stoked for what you guys are doing there.
Ciao Chris! I have been traveling around with Suzi and Luca from the Enoteca here in Northern California and just got caught up on your blogs now. I am speechless, all I know is that when I read your blogs and see the photos, I cry because I am so happy. You are amazing and I love you to pieces. The photo of you and the little baby... LOVE IT! WE ALL want a detailed blog from you, you are educating us as well!CABA
Great posts Chris... Given the level of sexual activity you said the boys had, like you, I was worried about the results also. It's hard to realize that "worry" never helps anything. Better to spend out energy trusting God and praying for a specific result. Our prayers were answered; no one is positive.
Snicky says "woof"
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