Above is me hanging out with a Masai Warrior

This is a female Lion aproaching.

A baby giraffe stops in to say hello.

Some brothers just hanging under a tree
Today we went to a Kenyan wedding which was an experience, they started three hours late, and then it rained. Not your typical wedding! I miss all of you and can't wait to continue sharing everything with you all.
Jambo Chris! Kenya is beautiful. Thank you for sharing your experience with us. You are an extraordinary and brave young man. Looking forward to reading more. xoxo
I think your new friend looks just as happy to be hanging with you. What wonderful pictures!!!! You could never ever be able to put a price tag on the next 5 months it is surely priceless. Hope your day is wonderful. Miss you and love you soooo much
Mpm xoxoxoxoxox
the warrior es fuerte looking. the giraffe is majestic. the lion is up to no good. the brothers are brothers.
Dear Chris,
You are experiencing a part of the world most have never seen. Almost equal to meeting new people and sharing daily life and experiences (such as a wedding)with others God created, must be seeing animals up close and (almost) personal, not through cages in a zoo. You must be very pleased to find out more about another culture and about what Saddleback Church is doing in Kenya.
By now you have met Connie Simms and received your permanent Debit card. If there is anything more I need to do, let me know - beachivy3@cox.net. Did you let B of A you would be using your card in Kenya? Sometimes when using a card so far away from home they are suspect. If not, let me know and I will call them to notify them ASAP.
I received a Capital One bill for only $32.92 due 8/26/08. I will pay it and all you have to do is hang out with Morgan and Cameron again when they come into town to pay us back! They come tomorrow (Monday) for two weeks. Morgan can't wait to see Ankle Bob, but sad she won't see you. We'll show her on a map where you are and share your wildlife pictures with her.
Love you lots,
Jack and Suzy
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