Considering there has been no ministry to speak of for the past couple days I think that I will start something called CAST OF CHARACTERS. For the next couple weeks I will write about some of the Kenyans who we are working with us, and who are in our lives while we serve here. I was debating on who I wanted to start with considering that there are so many people who we have met, but I came to a decision today, I will start with a man that has been a great help to us while we have been in Kitale. His name is Ayub, and he is the caretaker for the compound that we live on. The compound is around Five acres and has a lot of upkeep. Ayub is in charge of everything from hiring people to run the gardens, to fixing the water pump when it goes down. Ayub is an unexplainable person, which makes one wonder why I would attempt to, but never the less you should know about him. Ayub has a servant’s heart, and would do anything for any of us at the drop of a hat. Today was the first time that I even knew that he was married, because he lives here on the compound alone. Ayub is one of my favorite people that I have met here in Kitale, and everyday holds a new discovery with him and his amazing personality.

the stump is cool the hats are cool ayub is cool you are cool
How cute is that picture of the girls in their hats!!!! Ayub sounds like he is probably going to be a lifelong friend of yours. Ever since you were five years old and started meeting new friends at school, you chose them very carefully but they are still some of your best buddies today. I cannot tell you how many people I meet and tell them about you. I am so PROUD of YOU.
Love you,
Mom xoxoxoxox
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