Missing home seems like such a waste of time when you are working for the Lord. This whole trip I have tried not to think much about home, but today I discovered a new philosophy. The lord has blessed me so much in my life, and today he made me realize that a huge part of this trip is to be reminded of the opportunity that the Lord has given me by allowing me to grow up where I did. I have always been gratefull for the amazing family and friends that are in my life, but today I realized that to give any less then 100% of my love and energy to the people that I love, and even those I don’t, would be a complete waste of the blessings that the Lord has given me. The lord tells us to pray for our enemies, and last night was the first time that I closed my eyes and asked the Lord to bless some of the people who I have had nothing but contempt for. Sometimes when we follow the words of the Lord it takes time for us reep what we sow, but as soon as I prayed a prayer for my enemies my heart was broken. The Lord has given me so much, and I am posotive that he is asking me to give my life to people. I know that that may be impossible to interperate, and trust me I don’t see the whole picture yet, but as of now all I know is that I am being asked to enter a life of service to people. I feel like a sap letting this out of my mind, but I know that if you read this you care for me, and I for you, so I guess it is the right thing to do. The Lord is my Shepard, and for once in my life I know what that looks like.
Today we went to a slum that houses around 300,000 people. A couple of years ago a team from saddleback built a well near a school in the slum that provides clean water for all of the people living in the slum. Before the people had this well they were forced to go down to the “river” to get water, which caused countless water born diseases. It was amazing to see the children drinking from and enjoying the well, not to mention the mothers who were able to rely on the well for safe drinking water for their children. Every time that I fill up a glass of water from the tap, I will thank the Lord for all of the ways that he has blessed me.

There we are.

I have been doing some filming

He wasn't that mean.
that boy is really cute. glad to see you're doing well.
Chris... As adults (especially males) societal pressures keep us (inappropriately) from actually "crying." It is viewed as a weakness; but it is NOT. Crying is healthy. It is emotional, but NOT a weakness. When I read this latest post of yours - the tears flowed for two reasons.
FIRST - I know I have told you many times (and I've meant it each time), that I am so PROUD of you. However, this latest post of yours reaffirmed my pride in your character and maturity. It's not a "pride" in anything I did to help you along a path of character and maturity, it's a pride in what YOU have become.
SECOND - After reading this post, my tears are also for the children of the world that can't even be assured clean drinking water. It seems so wrong that the nations of the world (or the local Government) can't even assist with goal. It is a broken world, but in your own way, you are attempting "repair" at some level.
I love you Chris. You have quite the cheering section here back home. We pray for you daily. The Lord is working mightily in your life. You are perfectly equipped. What you are doing now in Kenya will touch every segment of your future life. The African Continent will be richer because you are there.
You represent the profile of a true servant. I watched you do these things...
1. Accepted a challenge
2. Examined alternatives
3. Promised to follow instructions
4. Made a plan
5. Submitted the plan to God
6. Prayed for guidance
7. Devised a strategy with room for God to operate
8. Waited
9. Accepted the answer thankfully
10. Explained the situation to concerned people
11. Refused delay
12. Followed through with your plan - PROOF, YOU are THERE!
Keep the posts and photos coming Chris!
your dad's comment made me cry because it is the truest thing i've ever read.
Chris, YOU are an amazing young man. I read you post and instantly remembered the cruise we took when you were seven years old. We docked in Ensenada and you saw the small children begging for money. You immediately wanted to go back on the ship because you were so sad for those children. Your Dad filmed your reactions and as I remember those frames of film you had such compassion on your face. I think the seed was planted right then and there for you to do exactly what you are doing today. The twelve things your Dad mentioned in his blog are exactly right on and I too am the proudest Mom in the world to witness what you have become. I think you have defenitely answered the question many ask upon graduating from high school, on WHAT you want to be. YOU my Son have answered it WHO will you be.
I love you so much
Mom xoxoxoxoxoxo
Nice work. I came across your blog while blog surfing using the “next blog” button on the Nav Bar of blogger.com. I am continually fascinated by the types of blogs that exist on the Internet, and the various, creative ways in which people all over the globe express themselves. Thanks for sharing.
I spent lots of time in Brazil and Mexico and saw poverty in varying configurations. It's a life altering experience. Americans who have not ventured outside the confines of the U.S. have no clue.
My blog is dedicated simply to making people think differently about societal issues. As I often tell people, instead of encouraging people to believe that there are 2 or 3 ways to look at something, I want them to realize that there are at least 27. Hopefully such an approach will result in more creative, innovative solutions to societal ills. Obviously traveling has a similar effect, along with making one less judgmental.
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chris, i miss you and hope all is well. ive been praying and thinking about you constantly. Im super excited that your taking a stand for something good and honest in this world. i love the picture of you and the pig, it made me laugh.
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