I have always wondered where the deformed barnyard animals of the world are put, like the sheep with three legs, or the cow with four horns. Interestingly enough, yesterday I found out the answer to my pressing question, they come to the Kitale Nature conservancy. The girls and I had the pleasure of escorting the Oasis houseboys who had improved on their school marks the past term on a tour to the conservancy. I have been thinking for around 12 hours how in the world I can explain this place, other then just using the word awesome. It is basically a place where a bunch of nature freaks made a giant science project describing the effects of global warming, with very minimal supplies I might add. There was an excess of plaster that was used to make many of the structures, oh and brightly colored paint. After a short tour of the plaster caves and science project, the tour guide takes you on the “nature” walk, which is basically an aimless hike through some local jungle. Now prepare yourself for the best part of the tour, the field of dreams. There is around five acres filled with barnyard animals that are deformed. Yes the sheep without a leg, and the cow that is gender confused, oh and my personal favorite the cow with three eyes four horns and a very large under bite. All in all it was the most amazing and absurd place that I have been to thus far. I was really excited to be able to be with the boys all day, and have them share this great place with me.
Today the girls and I headed out to the discover to recover center to spend some time with the kids who live there full time. There are around 20 boys and girls who are orphans, most infected with HIV, who live there and have no family to go to during school breaks. As soon as we got there we took them all down to the Kinyozi, which is where they get their heads shaved. It was so fun to take them all down and watch them get their haircut. All of the kids are so kind hearted, and very smart, most are in the top ten of their classes. After they got their haircut we headed back to the center for a tour of their housing, and a lot of playing. We shared lunch with them and then headed home. I really have come to appreciate everything about Kenya, and I know that until God calls me away, I will be working here in some way.
Tonight we were invited to dinner with a family that lives here in town. They are an amazing family, who has a heart for the people of Kenya. They run a non-profit that is called circle of light. The sole purpose of circle of light is to provide electricity in the form of large re-chargeable batteries, to rural villages. The program is community based and is a great way for people to improve their quality of life. I thought that it was worth noting that their son is also the national ping-pong champion in Kenya. They are so nice and loving, I hope that we will be able to work with them more.

This sheep sums up the place.

My personal favorite.

This was a model to explain the effects of global warming.

They are United in grief morning due to destruction of wetlands.

IT is serious business at the nature conservancy.

I thought there was a black mamba behind me.

Just hanging out. (the window)

David is amazing.

I told him to look tough, and this is what I got.

Getting a hair cut

Looking smart.
First of all, I hate Kevin Costner.
Secondly, that sheep is hilarious. And cute. And sad. But at least it kinda looks happy. The cow looks like a character I have drawn before...
To end with: I love you.
Black mambas are freaky and large.
Chris, that cow!!!!!! You are so right in describing that place as amazing. It's funny I never thought about where these animals would be. I guess I really did not know that they even existed. I kind of thought they would be born and not strong enough to survive. That little David is the cutest thing on legs. He could not look mean even if he tried. I was surprised you did not get your head shaved with the group.
We love you and miss you so much but know you are loving every second of Kenya.
That boy who is the national ping-pong champ, did he represent Kenya in the Olympics? I am pretty sure they had ping-pon there.
Love you,
Mom xoxoxoxoxox
That's Elias in that last shot! I have several pictures of him! He's beautiful!
I LOVE the animals there. It's kind of a metaphor for all the strange things you are experiencing over there. Things we never knew existed...
LOVE your updates.
So wishing I was still there too.
Thank you for continuing to share. I'm so glad you are getting this amazing experience and allowing the Lord to use you.
I've been reading, but often too speechless to respond. This however I had to chime in on. Im glad I wasn't there because seeing all the deformed animals would have broken my heart. Just looking at that cow makes me sad.
PS - I believe chris that your greatest regret in life will that be you weren't in the states for the release of Disaster Movie.
@Dianasaur: Field of dreams is awesome! Sweeney Todd is lame! Up with old-school Costner!
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