Large get-togethers are always things that I enjoy back home, a lot of people getting together, talking and enjoying some great food and great music. There is nothing more exciting than spending time with people that you care about. There is really no difference here in Kenya, good food, music great people, and a ton of fun. I guess the only difference would be the timing. Now we all understand the concept of being fashionably late, but 2 and a half hours? Every one here pegs their tardiness on “Africa time”, and that somehow explains it. Hey what can I say? That is just part of the culture that I have to get used to I guess. All of this to say that Lydia threw a great party yesterday to celebrate a number of things, and we all had a great time. The boys and girls of Oasis were amazing as always, and there is nothing better then giving your camera to an African child to take pictures with, they always seem to be a half mile away from the subject.
Today was a typical Sunday, church in the morning and a dinner engagement at night. We went to Oasis church this week, and had a great time fellowshipping with a smaller more intimate church. After the service the preacher came to me and invited me to speak next week, I gladly accepted. Now let me be honest, I am mortified; I have no credentials at all, but I feel like it will be good for me to get out there and just do it. It makes me smile when I think about how God stretches us and forces us to grow at times, and how sometimes he is quite and we have to move in faith. Everyday I am confirmed on being here, and I know that as for now this is where I am supposed to be, and there is no better feeling in the entire world.



David, Humphrey and I.

Just hanging out.

The pastor and I.
Chris... GREAT photos and GREAT blog post (as usual). So, there's an "Africa Time?" Hummm... sounds familiar to me since I have had to get use to "island time" when working in the Caribbean. We just have to realize that this small "annoyance" is OUR problem, not the culture's with whom we are guests. I know your demeanor and warm spirit so I know that this "annoyance" is well tolerated by you. YOU are one of the most tolerant persons I know. I even remember you doing that little video for a school presentation on "tolerance." Your script was pure YOU - you understood at a young age that every person regardless of religion, race or creed was one of God's creations.
I would give practically anything to be in church next week when you speak. No tools you say? You're not qualified? I say "bunk!" If you aren't qualified then who is? As I've told you before, you are perfectly equipped for any job God places in the pathway in Africa. My only advice... Just have fun with it. Be you.
Chris do you think you could put little David in a suitcase and send him back to me!!! He is so cute I can see how easy it is to fall in love with all those children.
All you have to do at church next week is exactly what you have been doing all along. Just telling it like it is on your blogs and pictures. You have a wonderful way of telling your stories so just be YOU. What an honor to be asked to speak!! You are so correct in saying God forces us to stretch ourselves.
Looking forward to your next story...
Love and miss you,
Mom xoxoxoxo
i love you. your heart brings tears to my eyes. you are the most amazing speaker i know, you are going to be on fire! ahhhh i love you so much!
Chris, I usually read your read a week at a time and, like Diana, it always brings tears to my eyes. I'll pray for the Lord to give you His words as you prepare to speak in church next Sunday. I think your blogs could be pulished because your writings are so descriptive and heartfelt. We pray for you daily.
Jack and Suzy
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