I can most likely count the number of weddings that I have been to in the states on one hand. That being said I have lived in Kenya for about a month and have already been to two weddings. Now hear me when I say weddings here in Kitale have no resemblance to weddings in the U.S. First of all I was supposed to have been picked up at 9:30 in the morning, so I waited, and waited. Finally I thought that I had been forgotten so I decided to change out of my wedding clothes, when I heard a honk at around 1:15. Yes, it was around 4 hours after I was told that I was going to be picked up and it was time for me to go. Luckily the wedding had already started so I didn’t have to wait around while the wedding was set up. The pictures do a better job of explaining the wedding then I ever could, which seems to be the case with many things here in Kenya. Personal space is non-existent here in Kitale, so when there are around a thousand people crammed into a small church you can imagine how comfortable a wooden bench in between a bunch of African dudes is. It is funny to think that I am considered some sort of VIP here in Kitale because, well lets face it I look a little different then most of the population. That being said I was asked to move up to the front of the church with the Groomsmen. While there does seem to be a lot of people at the church, there also seems to be plenty of lace gloves and sleeves at each wedding. There is also plenty of Swahili, which, by the way I don’t understand. I feel like I am in some crazy dream whenever I go to these weddings, a lot of people dancing around, synchronized no doubt, and singing songs that I don’t understand. I spent about 4 hours being confused until I called a taxi and got picked up. All in all I can’t say that I LOVE going to weddings here, but experiences are what makes life interesting. Plus I always keep my promises.

This is for your dad Di.


Happily married.

The reception.

There was a lot of dancing there.

There was a lot of people there.
Chris you have such a a positive attitued in all that you do. The wedding was beautiful. The picture of the little girl with the soccer ball brought tears to my eyes to know how much joy that ball brought her. I hope you are eating well and getting enough sleep. I don't want you to get run down and not have enough energy to keep up with those kids that love you to death. (sorry but I can never stop being a Mom no matter how old you are.) I put that picture of you also as my screen saver and when I read Diana's post I could not believe she had done the same thing. It is the first thing I see in the morning and the last at night.
Love You so much
Mom xoxoxoxoxoxox
oh chris! i wish you could have seen the smile on my dad's face when i showed him that picture! he just lit up! i think it is amazing that you went to that wedding and i also think that girl is the most precious thing in the world.
i was so glad to be able to talk to you today. i was talking with joey, spenser, sean and carl and they all had the most wonderful things to say about you. you are dearly loved by all of your friends, they admire you more than you know and i couldn't be happier to be with someone as loved as you.
i love you chris and i am so proud of you.
keep on keepin on (sorry that is lame to say)
That is the most awesome wedding dress I have ever seen.
Chris... what an honor to be invited to the weddings. It would seem that the locals are warming to you in so many ways. Keep the photos coming, and let me know what I can do to help get Plumpy'Nut to you. DAD
Michelle and the girls leave tomorrow morning after two weeks with us. Just got back from a week in Palm Springs, and, while they were out with friends tonight I got caught up on all your blogs. I absolutely love your writings and the sensitive way you share your days and your heart in what you write. You are learning much about yourself, the Lord, and the world many of us will never experience. Keep journaling and taking pics - they're GREAT! Miss you. Love, Suzy an Jack
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