I was trying to think of something else that I could write about besides the "what I did today", yet still clue you in on a small part of my life here in Kitale. After some time of thinking I have decided that I would give you a virtual tour of our compound. I tried to portray my surroundings to the best of my ability, so hence the following. Enjoy!

Some nice avocado and mango trees out front my house.

These are our cows.

our neighbors say hello! I think that he is saluting.

The hens.

And their cock. (I could not help myself.)

This is the view from the gate, be warned the rocks are used as a deterrent for anyone with bare feet to come onto the compound.

This is the back of the girls house.

This is some grass, looks nice.

This is the front of the girls house. Yes I have a home to myself while they have to share a tiny house with six girls. God is good.

I call this my death defying stunt. In short, I climb to the last rung of the ladder on the top of the water tower and hang by one hand screaming for help. So far everyone I show has fallen for this trick.

This is a first person view of the stunt.

This proves how dangerous it is.

This here is the front of my house. I live in the room on the top floor, I personally like to call it the bell tower, and not because I look like Quazi Moto (spelling questionable.)

This is the back of my house, please note the color change.

This here is a giant bamboo Cathedral that is nice for sitting, the weaverbirds love to roust here.

This is the entry way to the bamboo cathedral. I do not enjoy to go in here becaus e of the high probability of being pooped on.

Andrew does a lot of the gardening.

This is where Ayub lives.
tre bien! this is very helpful to get a real idea of where you are living. it is more beautiful than many places i've ever been!
i like the death-defying ladder shot. you are cute.
btw, i am going to be using a lot of french now because i love it too much!
je vais a la bibli, comment allez-vous? au revoir.
First of all BELLA!!!!!! It is so beautiful. Andrew is a man after my own heart. The grounds are beautiful. Please tell him I appreciate all the hard work he has done. (I know that first hand) Chris!!!!!Please dont fall from the ladder....You have the cutest house, I can see now why you are enjoying yourself so much. I never dreamed your living arrangement would be so wonderful. When can I move in???? Grandma sat at the computer last night and I showed her how to read all your posts and see your pictures. I kept coming into the room to make sure she was handeling the mouse correctly, sure enough she was but she was also sobbing with joy. She kept saying he is a wonderful boy!!!! Keep the great stories coming it is so nice to get something with substance in your mailbox instead of the usual junk.
Love and miss you,
MOM xoxoxoxoxoxox
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