What happens when a couple kids from the richest part of the world go half way around the world to do nothing but love the people who live there? Well some awesome things. I have been more of an observer on this trip and cannot help but comment on how amazing it is seeing people follow the will of the Lord, and watching him bless them because of it. The last couple days have been a blur, all I know is that tonight the girls are gone and I am here alone enjoying the time alone. Not having them here does remind me how much I appreciate them. They are an amazing group of people who, in the past couple weeks, have taught me so much about life. I know that I am going to catch a lot of crap for writing this mush fest, but it is something that I have not said yet, and need to. So to Allison, Daina, Megan and Carol thanks for not being to harsh on me, and teaching me all I need to know about living with four girls for a month and a half. Oh and sorry if I spelled your name wrong.




UH huh.

I tried to steal this kid.

I did some digging.

We were not singing worship songs.
this is sweet. i love you.
So now you know what Uncle Tom must of felt like growing up with six sisters!!!!!I love you and am so happy that you are doing exactly what you want. I will never be able to tell you enough how proud I am to call you SON!!!
This is kind of off the subject but Grandpa reminded me of when you were about four years old and they were babysitting you and you were watching tv, you all of a sudden turned off the tv and ran down the hall to the bathroom. When you returned Grandpa saw you turn the tv back on and you said to him, "I turned off the tv so I would not miss anything while I was gone." You invented TIVO!! It just shows how your mind has always been wonderful.
Keep those great stories and pictures coming they make my day!!
Love You,
MOM xoxoxoxoxoxoxox
The picture of you kidnapping that kid killed me. Not because you are running of with an African boy but because I thought you grew a really sick beard. But then I noticed it was just because his arm is covering your face.
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