Secondly I would just like to say that today was a great day. We spent a lot of time at Oasis, teaching and doing some clerical work. Everyday that I spend there I feel more and more at home. There is a boy named Justice there who has a long and complicated story, so I won't tell you it all; but basically he was in grade 7 back at home and was forced from his home and family, and ended up in Kitale. He has been coming to Oasis for some time, and is a promising student. There have been a couple hiccups in his story, and we have had to do some digging, but never the less he is a good boy. I have been watching the last couple weeks as he sits through classes that he is far ahead of, so today we purchased a Grade 7 test book so that I could tutor him on subjects that are more challenging to him. I mean, that is what Oasis is all about right? Not letting the minds of the youth go into the depths of the uneducated, that and to give them a great place to spend their time. So I am very excited to begin with him on Monday. Hopefully he will work hard, and strive to learn.

Also I wanted to share this picture. I was looking through my pictures the other day and I ran into this one. I am not sure who took it but i sure remember it. This is a little girl from Oasis, holding her baby brother or sister and giving her some water. I was so moved by this picture because it really is a baby taking care of a baby. it is really all to common here, and it gets me pretty bad every time that I see is. Just a little picture that I wanted to share with you.
Hey Chris....
I am pretty sure that Justice is Johnstone's cousin. Didn't he start coming to Oasis right after the soccer tourney? He is an awesome kid and I wish we had the funds to get him into boarding school. He showed me his report card and he was in the number one position in his class in Lodwar.
It is so hard...EVERY single story is a kid who deserves a chance. It is so hard to pick and choose and I have just learned to rely on Geoffrey's wisdom in this area.
That being said....every once in a while...God will shine a beam of light (metaphorically speaking) on the head of a certain kid when I enter the classroom at Oasis. It's like He is saying 'Lydia...I want you to do something with this kid NOW. I have big plans for this child and they need to get started on them right away,"
That's when I just start praying HARD and ask God to show me HOW I am supposed to help this particular child....and where the heck the support to do so is going to come from.
That was the case with Johnstone and Martin (the impetus to start House 2 in March of 06), Moses (who entered House 2 a year over we started it), and Joseph Esekon in House Three (along with Mike...who sadly , decided to go back to the street a few months ago).
I have had many nights, when I lay in my comfortable bed...unable to sleep, because I know a particular boy is out on the streets...sleeping on the ground...covered only by an empty charcoal bag. That is when I have some of my most earnest conversations with God..."Lord, I hear you...SHOW me how." It never fails. He provides the way.
That is what keeps me going day to day with Oasis. It is scary sometimes....Oasis now has 52 kids in either boarding schools or in the Group Homes. On any given day, as many as 80 kids can show up to the drop-in centre....expecting 2 meals. But, one way or the other...God has always provided and I will continue to believe that He will continue to do so.
Of course, that doesn't mean that I can sit and expect the check to just magically be "in the mail". God opens doors...but WE have to be continually moving forward to go through them. So, that is why I speak with EVERYBODY about Oasis. That is why I continually put out the message in every way I can (including this way). Sometimes I wonder if I am moving forward or just spinning in a circle...but, I am always, ALWAYS searching for the open door that God is patiently holding open for me...for Oasis
After all, Oasis of Hope is HIS project.We are the "hired help". We are acting as His hands and feet.
Love you,
PS...Happy Birthday, Mom!
7th grade...what do we learn in 7th grade again? I am so proud of you, Mr. Wohlers. Wasn't the boy we went to the mountains with named Justice too?
In regards to that picture. First of all, it is moving. Secondly, that little girl must have really strong hands and wrists to be able to hold up that huge water bottle. I don't even think I could do that. It's bigger than the baby.
Thank you so much, that was the best present ever!!!!!It sounds like you are doing all the things you love, helping the needy and teaching too. I was walking with a friend last night and told him how truly blessed I am to have you and Alana as my children. Children are a gift from God, but He just happened to give me the best.
Hope you have a good day tomorrow and once again thank you for the sweet words.
Mom xoxoxox
Chris... I do love your photos (more! more!). This photo is unique and very special. Your visual imagery is as good as your written imagery.
Your observation about children raising babies is all too typical in Third World Countries. I saw a lot of that in Grenada as well. Further, I know that your teaching efforts at Oasis will teach YOU as much as you will teach the children.
Happy Birthday to your Mom as well...
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