So, for the past couple days I have been reading the 6th installment of the Harry Potter series. I know what you are thinking, I am a complete nerd, a 21 year old dude who loves reading about teenage wizards and warlocks. If you think that I don't think myself a dork, you are sorely mistaken, I am quite enlightened to this fact. That is beside the point that I am trying to make however. If you have been keeping up with
Allison's blog you would know that the other night we watched around 45 minutes of episode two of Star Wars, and you will also know that we watched Indiana Jones (all three). this recent overload of awesome has once again thrown me into a funk about being merely human. I want so badly to be able to wield a light saber and use the force. Or even cast a few spells on people, just for fun of course. Maybe I could find a few ancient artifacts, all while fooling the Nazis. But then I remember, I am just a dude, a dude who can't do any of those great things. And that is the way I was feeling for the past couple days, simply human.
That all changed today though. I was reading my bible in Acts, and I stumbled upon a simple
human who did some really awesome things. His name is Paul, and his power? The holy spirit. So today I decided to shape up, get out of my funk and do something awesome. It feels good to be empowered.
(Editors note: This blog was purely for entertainment value. Nothing that was said by the author was meant to be takes seriously, except the part about Paul being awesome)
On a more "Kenyan" note, tonight we went to dinner at a dear friends house after a long day at the pool with the kids. Onesmus is actually Geoffry's brother as well as the Caretaker of Lydia's compound. He has a great little boy named David who is seven, so naturally our humor is the same. All in all it was a nice day, like i said last week, I love Thursdays.

I told him to make a face that made him look terribly awkward. I succeeded, he just got angry.
You are so funny...
If it makes you feel any better....I am 51 and I love Harry Potter! Also, yesterday the latest movies that I ordered to bring with me to Kenya next trip....the Star Wars Trilogy, the first 3 Indiana Jones movies, the back to the future, I guess we are on the same wavelength....oh...I got my FAVORITE all-time movie....the original Willie Wonka and the Chocolate those little orange oompa loompa guys and their songs!
David looks adorable as always. Thanks for keeping him and O-nes company...I am afraid that they are terribly lonely these days without all the commotion in the house. The only one who is happy is Phoebe (the housekeeper)...I see that the tile on the kitchen floor actually looks CLEAN for the first time EVER!
You didn't mention how Sky is! I miss my puppy!!!!!
love you Chris!
bonjour, mon ami. je suis très heureux que vous lisez Harry Potter! The SlugClub is so pretentious. Lavender Brown is a silly name. Loony Luna is sweet isn't she? Oh my goo, I am so glad that you are reading this! And that you are on page 487 now! I can't wait til you finish it!
Hurry up.
Also, the first thing that comes to my mind when I see your new haircut is: Action League, NOW! I don't know why...
If you could do one spell, what would it be? I find it so sad/hilarious that the only spell Harry can really do well is Expelliarmus.
Happy October!
Chris you have always been so silly and funny. That is what makes you Chris and that is why we all LOVE you. I guess I am the only person that has never read a Harry Potter book. Maybe I should branch out and see what all the hype is.
You and the children look so adorable. That haircut now makes you look 16 again. I guess you will be like your Mom, ageless!!! hahahhahah
Take care and have an awesome Friday. I will keep you posted on Alana's soccer game tomorrow playing the number one team in CA.
Love you so much,
Momma xoxoxox
Well, as you know Chris, and as you state in your blog... The Holy Spirit is more powerful than any light saber or "spell" from a wizard. As a Christian I so often forget to call on the Holy Spirit's power to empower and assist me; daily. As always, your blog is inspiring, funny, and YOU. Love you lots...
While I think that you could indeed be a successful Jedi, you lack the main ingredient of being an Indiana Jones type adventurer: sweet facial hair stubble.
Stick to the force.
I want to have time for a Star Wars and Indiana Jones Marathon! (of course minus the 4th one because it was so terrible). You're right though, the bible has way too many stories of the Lord using very human people to do His work. So awesome to be reminded of when we get down.
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