For the past couple of days I have been working with some kids who have been through more tragedy and heartbreak then anyone that I know. I have been collecting their stories, and histories as well as their ambitions in order to create a book of their profiles, for use in sponsorship, and records. It is impossible to express the suffering that these children have experienced without hearing it from them, and watching as their eyes begin to tear up. Steve has planned for each of them to have a profile with their picture on it, as well as a short video of them all, in order to document their story.
Surprisingly it hasn't been their stories that have moved me most. I hear similar stories almost everyday, not to say that that in anyway degrades their story, But it is their faith, and love of the LORD, that moves me. Through all that these children have been through, the betrayal, the tragedy, the abuse and the all around suffering, they have unwavering trust in the LORD. I want that faith, I want to be able to look to God through anything and thank him, to just be happy with being loved by him.
Here are a couple of the kids:

This morning I went to hang out with the Oasis kids for a couple hours. My friend Kamao (spelling?) decided that he just wanted to hang out in my lap all day; and that was fine with me.

Chris, I am the luckiest Mom in the entire world.
Mom xoxoxoxoxoxox
Pinkie. You are our star. We love you more than words can say. Our world is a better place because angels like you are allowed to be among us mortals. We love you so much. Caba & BonBon.
I really liked your blog already, but now that I read the comment that you are called "pinkie" from someone named BonBon... well, that just makes it official!
I don't know you, but I know people who know you and I share your love and passion for loving street kids of the world and the least of the least.
I serve in Ukraine and it's been my driving passion to be The Lord's hands and feet to these kids for the last 7 years. By the way, "priv'et and Bogu Slavenya" to the Ukrainians in Kitale.
Keep up the great work and do not grow weary - you all ARE making a HUGE difference - one drop at a time.
Gog Bless, Carolyn
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