Later in the day the boys from house one and two and the Oasis center street boys teamed up to take the boys from the Showground Primary school. We had a great time hanging out with the other boys as well as watching the team play with all their hearts. They are a great team on the train tracks, but a large field is a bit of a struggle for them. They played well, but lost 2-0. We are going to practice and take them on in a couple weeks, I am confident that we have them next time.

Go get em Chris. Your love for these children is so wonderful. YOU will make a wonderful father someday!!!!!
I look at that picture of you on the osterich (sp??) and cannot believe that is my son on an osterich in Africa!!!
The days are so beautiful and Fall like here. I am counting the days til you return, but my heart aches for the kids who will miss you. I know you will return in the near future and maybe it will even be your lifes work.
I love you so much,
Mom (aka Mommy Coka) xoxoxoxox
Love the look on Paul's face....
Tell Johnstone that he is wrecking his school socks!!!! He is so busted....
I love that they are getting good use out of the uniforms. They all look great...even P.I.G.!!!
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