Matt and I did it; we took the plunge, and the 12-hour bus ride both ways to be with the people of Northern Kenya. There is no way to describe our experience in Kakuma, other then by saying it was immeasurably life changing. The hurt, the sorrow, the happiness and the all around spectrum of emotions that was experienced on our trip was nothing that could ever, or will ever, be put onto paper. The best way for you to understand our trip is through pictures, and even then, it is hard to portray our feelings, and prayers to you. I promise then when I get home I will tell you everything that I can, because talking it is much easier then writing it.
For now, look at the pictures, and know that we are safe.

Two very amazing young men. We are so proud of you!!!! Awaiting your stories.
Love you,
Mom xoxoxoxoxo
I'm still waiting to see your pic of one black kid in a sea of white people. I though for a moment you had it but then I snapped out of my color dyslexia and realized that you and Matt are white and the sea of kids was black. Not the Black Sea, just a lot of African kids.
hey man,
where did you find that TREE in the last photo...i wanted some shade on our last trip and had to sit by a camel corpse to shade me...
Thanks for going !!!!
You guys are inspiring!!
See you soon.
we did do it, didnt we? remember that?
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