Emanuel is a baby who is currently living at sister Freda’s. Emanuel’s mother died when he was born, and his grandmother was forced to take care of him. Unfortunately his grandmother was unable to take care of him so she didn’t feed him, and soon dropped him at sister Freda’s hospital knowing that he would have a good life there. This is a picture of him when he was dropped off.

In this picture he is 6 months old, and severely malnourished. His eyes were empty, and he never smiled. Here is a picture of him today:
He is probably one of the fattest, happiest babies that I have ever known. Now you ask what has Emanuel taught me about faith? Actually he has taught me more then anything has in my short life. Through faith over the years Freda has been able to run this hospital with her husband Richard. Every month is a struggle to pay the doctors and nurses, as well as care for the various orphans that have been left there. Through faith, and hard work they have been able to save countless lives, and help heal so many broken lives. Now what I have realized through Emanuel is that sometimes faith produces fruits that you never even imagined, at unpredictable times. Through years of Faith and hard work the Robinsons have saved this child’s life, even if they had no knowledge of it when they gave everything to God. It is hard for me to put it into words, but I now realize that sometimes our faith doesn’t produce immediate fruits, or even the fruits that we expected it to produce. Sometimes the answers don’t come when you think they should, but when they do be prepared to be a fat happy child, with a new lease on life. (Cheesy, but there is nothing I can imagine being a better metaphor for the power of faith then this child.)
For now I pray that I never stop seeking wisdom and truth.
"Send forth Your light and truth, let them guide me." Psalms 43:3
Oh my gosh...I am crying. Chris, this is so true...we want answers now and we are always asking why.
Thank you for this GREAT lesson of waiting on God, on his timing, on trusting Him and on letting go and letting him lead.
Freda and Richard are amazing. That baby is amazing.
I can't even imagine how much they are going to miss you when you are gone.
You will never be the same. Never.
You are an inspiration to me. And so many others.
Thank you for sharing your journey with those of us who WISH we could go do the same thing...thank you for trusting God and suffering with cold water and no luxuries for all these months.
PLEASE call me when you get back. I'd love to take you for Claim Jumper Ribs or a big Steak somewhere...
or maybe just a Starbucks...
you are amazing and just this post is enough reason to see why God has you there.
You see results. It's not hopeless.
In Kenya or RSM or anywhere else.
Thanks for this post. I have been struggling lately with faith as well. I have been frustrated that so many hundreds of people have been to Oasis...have been touched deeply by the plight of street kids and have been encouraged by what Oasis is doing....and yet are able to seemingly just return to their lives without a second glance.
Funding has diminished and I have spent so much time in prayer lately...asking God "WHY?" ....Why He led me to begin this organization in the first place if the ultimate fate is that we have to put kids back on the street for lack of funding to care for them....
No....it hasn't reached that point...but, the economic realities these days are scaring me.
Thank you for reminding me that our will God provide and that I need to continue to move forward with confidence in his provision. I needed this message this morning, my friend. You have ministered to me!
Love you. I know you will be home in only a few weeks and I want to spend some time with you when you get back!
This world is a better place because you are here. I NEED to have a baby so you can love it like Emmanuel. I think everyday how you told me that I need to have one so you could give it love, like I did for you. I love you Chris and can't wait to sit and have a LONG talk with you when you return. You are an amazing person.
Chris... Your best, most honest and transparent post yet. While in Kenya you have learned many important lessons from God. One lesson I know you've learned is that "failure is the path of least persistence." Talent is not enough. Knowledge is not enough. Physical strength is not enough. God teaches us to persist, not to be stubborn, but to seek, and keep trying.
Perseverance, persistence is the prize. The Christian life never was promised as an easy way to live. But you cannot fail if you persist - God's promise of eternal life. But, we never persevere without the promise of a prize. Your persistence and perseverance in Kitale is the showcase of your faith. Do what you can, but never give up. God never gives up on us.
Can't wait to see you Chris. I ache for our "together time."
those 'before and after' photos of E-MAN!! (uel) may be the most awesome pics I have ever seen...it's like two different kids...
Saw IAN Sat night at church...he's aimlessly wandering the earth without you...
One question... seriously...who the heck is cutting your hair??? Talk about before and after, dude.
I can't figure it out but...but who am I to critique 'do's'...I'll take a ponga to that wacky weave when I get there...in the mean time..wear lots of hats, man!!
Chris, I love EVERYTHING about you...Don't spend too much time trying to figure this all out now...just continue doing what God called you to do...the other stuff you can settle later...that's what RETIREMENT is all about
Where do I start? The minute you were born I knew God gave me and your father a very special person. No, it was not that you were MY child but the kind of baby, toddler, boy, teenager and now young adult you were. Your heart was always thousands of times bigger than your size.
Your post hit on many points I have asked myself these last five years. Thank you for helping me to be more patient and trusting in the Lord. No, it is not always easy but the wait is well worth it. Those pictures with little Emmanuel brought HAPPY tears down my cheeks. I know if there was any way possible you would be bringing that little guy home with you for good.
I am so excited for your return home but, like I said before, sad for those you will be leaving behind. Until December 17th my son, stay safe and know that many prayers are said for you each day.
All my love,
Mom xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
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