There is something about having a visitor come and stay with you for a while that makes everything new and refreshing. This morning at three I picked Andrew up at the bus station in town. In Reality I went there at three, and the bus didn’t get in until 5, so I sat on a curb in the cold, dark African night waiting for my friend to arrive. Anyways, having him here makes everything so new because I get to share in all of his feelings as he experiences life in Kenya for the first time. I want to just tell him everything that I have learned and observed over the past four months but I know that I just have to let him experience it, just like I did.

In my life I have been learning that it is important to be renewed in everything that I do on a daily basis. As I have stated before, my mind is an ever-constant thought heap, which makes things become dull quicker then they should. Sometimes (more like most of the time) I take for granted the opportunity that God has given me here, and watching Andrew experience all of it makes me remember that this was a call from God, and not just a whim decision.
Today we went to Oasis like usual on Tuesdays, and, like usual, I had a great time. I love these kids so much, and I have felt for the first time, that they do generally care about me as well, which feels good.
Time is winding down for me here in Kenya, and the more I think about the more my emotions spiral out of control. I can’t wait to see everyone I love back home and move on to the next chapter of God’s plan for me, but I can’t help but think about how much Kitale has become my home. I was in my room today and I thought to myself, “I am moving soon.” Now it may not sound like much, but at that moment the difference between the words leaving and moving really struck me. I am not just “leaving” Kenya I am actually “moving” away from my life that God has created here.
For know I pray that God would give me a new perspective everyday, and renew me in everything that I do. I pray that the Lord would continue to guide me and that he would reveal himself to me in everyone that I meet. But most of all I pray that God would have his hand over the suffering, giving the peace and revealing his love to them.